
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Hay Fever

Author: T. E.
During a wander day in high school for the first time I noticed significant allergic reactions of hay fever. As my memory record it the pollen could almost be seen like „clouds“ moving above the cornfields back then. Suddenly it itched in the eyes, the nose run and I had to sneeze. Since this point in time these conditions came back every year – around early summer. When it was especially tough I formed a habit of laying down and putting a wet cloth on my nose and eyes. I laid down quietly then and waited till it had eased down what mostly happened after approx. one hour. Gladly, I never had problems with breathing (Asthma or else). Because I dealt with it I never took medicine, did a therapy or else. It was very aggravating when it started but bearable. Sometimes it was timely delayed (instead in May it started in June or July), sometimes intense, sometimes less intense. It must have been in 1990, meaning some years after my introduction into the Teachings of Bruno Gröning. I already studied, however during this particular point in time I was at home when these conditions appeared again. If I remember it correctly it wasn’t at all the typical weather for hay fever. I had withdrawn myself as usual. I knew – at least by hearing of Bruno Gröning’s Teachings – the process of clearing or regulation conditions (like the initial worsening during homeopathy) but did not really know what it meant when one experience it for oneself. At a certain point I thought “I do not want anymore” and indeed, quite quick, the conditions ended. Quite quick it was clear to me that this was not the wisest idea of all. Whether I would have experienced a healing at that point, of course, I cannot tell. In any case, afterwards it was clear to me that through my will I had interrupted the process. Although I meditated afterwards and also later often for healing the conditions appeared year after year but, measured above a longer timescale, less and less. The consciousness that possibly I had missed out a point in time stayed as well as the wish and belief that still sometime it could disappear completely. Now, in 2016, meaning estimated 25 years after the mentioned experience, first I realized during a lecture in autumn that during this year I had no conditions anymore for the first time. It is indeed wonderful that – if one sticks to it – someday all can be well!
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