
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Members & Helpers

Here you can get to know the members and voluntary helpers of the association a bit better.

Starting left: Wilfried Venedey, Marion Venedey, Julia Domenica Busse, Thomas Busse, Benjamin Busse

Thomas Busse


Artist, Filmmaker, Author, Course Leader, Owner of a publishing house
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“Since 1985 by now I am interested in the life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning. Sceptic in the beginning I realized more and more how invaluable the implementation of the Teachings of Bruno Gröning can be for us people. ‘A good tree brings good fruit’, said Jesus. Of that I could assure myself more and more intensely referring to Bruno Gröning during all these years. People find back their belief in God, Christ and His Teachings becomes more understandable for many, help and healing happens, the practiced belief gets more visible in daily life. This is the reason why I engage myself in this association on a voluntary basis. Unfortunately there are also people, like in any other movement also, who become fanatic and dogmatic and create a personality cult. This Gröning never ever wanted. On the basis of my nine-years work on the three-piece, highly complex documentary ‘Das Phänomen Gröning’ (‘The Phenomenon Gröning’) I got a deep inside into the life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning. I could assure myself that he was a true servant of God!”
“Since 1985 by now I am interested in the life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning. Sceptic in the beginning I realized more and more how invaluable the implementation of the Teachings of Bruno Gröning can be for us people. ‘A good tree brings good fruit’, said Jesus. Of that I could assure myself more and more intensely referring to Bruno Gröning during all these years. People find back their belief in God, Christ and His Teachings becomes more understandable for many, help and healing happens, the practiced belief gets more visible in daily life. This is the reason why I engage myself in this association on a voluntary basis. Unfortunately there are also people, like in any other movement also, who become fanatic and dogmatic and create a personality cult. This Gröning never ever wanted. On the basis of my nine-years work on the three-piece, highly complex documentary ‘Das Phänomen Gröning’ (‘The Phenomenon Gröning’) I got a deep inside into the life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning. I could assure myself that he was a true servant of God!”

Main areas of responsibility:
representation duties, informational talks, newsletter content, communication, video realization, archive work

Julia Domenica Busse

Vice Chairwoman

Actress, Author, Artist, Relaxation Musician & -Coach, Diploma in Chemistry
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„’Without the Lord there is no life!’ (quote of Bruno Gröning) – Since I was little I felt deeply connected to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. I am a very grounded person, this does not exclude deep spirituality for me, quite the contrary. Even if there were indeed stages of quarreling with God in my life somehow there was always a deep consciousness inside of me that we are a part of Him. To attach myself to a grouping always was a suspicious concept for me and I do not belong to any church anymore. The clarity and intensity of God’s truth is to be found at many places. Perhaps nowhere such extensive like in the commandments of Moses and in the life and Teachings of Christ. So why engage for Bruno Gröning then?
His total dedication and deep love towards the Lord and for the people, his impressive doings and simultaneous humbleness, his on-point words did convince me. Verily, Bruno Gröning was no speaker of empty phrases of whom there are enough. His words were his life concept and by that he offers man everything what one needs for his spiritual development. Man must only put it into action. The simplicity, power and straightness of his teachings as well as the connection to the Teachings of Christ which he always emphasized makes it a matter to my heart to support his work which he always named the work of the Lord.“
„’Without the Lord there is no life!’ (quote of Bruno Gröning) – Since I was little I felt deeply connected to the Teachings of Jesus Christ. I am a very grounded person, this does not exclude deep spirituality for me, quite the contrary. Even if there were indeed stages of quarreling with God in my life somehow there was always a deep consciousness inside of me that we are a part of Him. To attach myself to a grouping always was a suspicious concept for me and I do not belong to any church anymore. The clarity and intensity of God’s truth is to be found at many places. Perhaps nowhere such extensive like in the commandments of Moses and in the life and Teachings of Christ. So why engage for Bruno Gröning then?
His total dedication and deep love towards the Lord and for the people, his impressive doings and simultaneous humbleness, his on-point words did convince me. Verily, Bruno Gröning was no speaker of empty phrases of whom there are enough. His words were his life concept and by that he offers man everything what one needs for his spiritual development. Man must only put it into action. The simplicity, power and straightness of his teachings as well as the connection to the Teachings of Christ which he always emphasized makes it a matter to my heart to support his work which he always named the work of the Lord.“

Main areas of responsibility:
representative duties, international communication, Social Media & website, video realization, translations & coordinator for translations

Marion Venedey


Consultant for Taxation and Business Law

Main areas of responsibility:
finances of the association, organizational tasks

Wilfried Venedey


Sound Engineer, Digital Media Designer

Main areas of responsibility:
organizational tasks, sound, layout design for print media

“The belief – especially in Jesus Christ – always played a major role in our life. In the Eighties when we got to know the teachings of Bruno Gröning, we could find many answers for questions which we still had inside of us. In all the years that passed since then we could see that Bruno Gröning imparted knowledge, in a clear and simple manner, that enables us to walk the path of spirituality step by step further. Because we experienced so much good on this way it is a special matter to us that his teachings is passed on truthfully and is made accessible to as many people as possible. Out of this reason we support the “Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning Inc.” and we hope that more and more people will find and walk this spiritual path for themselves and find the belief in the Lord.”
“The belief – especially in Jesus Christ – always played a major role in our life. In the Eighties when we got to know the teachings of Bruno Gröning, we could find many answers for questions which we still had inside of us. In all the years that passed since then we could see that Bruno Gröning imparted knowledge, in a clear and simple manner, that enables us to walk the path of spirituality step by step further. Because we experienced so much good on this way it is a special matter to us that his teachings is passed on truthfully and is made accessible to as many people as possible. Out of this reason we support the “Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning Inc.” and we hope that more and more people will find and walk this spiritual path for themselves and find the belief in the Lord.”

Benjamin Busse


Master of Science in Physics, Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Philosophy, Script Author for Education Videos about Physics
“I have to confess that most of the time of my life till now I was unresponsive to spiritual topics and the belief in God. Looking back now I can see that it was only because of me given that consciously I shut myself off from supernatural phenomena. My approach was solely rational. Therefore I could understand scientific context straight but at the same time covered the intuitive compass while searching for holistic truth. Fortunately, a few years ago I opened up upon the divine. This I owe especially to some spiritual physicians and my parents who always inspired me positively but never wanted to “impose” something on me. In particular through my father I got also responsive to the life and teachings of Bruno Gröning. I want to emphasize here that I never credulously adopted my approach to Gröning from my father or from any other person but assured myself. In what lies this assurance?
First of all, I am a very sensitive person and always when I see Gröning on pictures, hear him speak or watch him on video material extraordinary high, positive resonance happens in me. This intensity I rarely feel at any other person.
Secondly, I already checked many extracts from Gröning’s lectures in detail and I am impressed by his very conscious choice of words. He had the great gift to talk about supernatural phenomena in a grounded and understandable way so that the content is accessible for everyone.
Thirdly, Gröning had the tremendous ability to transform divine energies so that many people could get responsive for them and could get healed through this highest power. A multitude of contemporary witnesses reports proof this phenomenon.
Fourth, Gröning wasn’t a clap speaker like I witnessed it unfortunately by many so-called “enlightened person”.
Last but not least, Gröning continuously pointed away from him as a person and never wished a personal cult around him. Statements like “I am nothing, the Lord is all” or “It is not me who heals, the divine energy heals through me” indicate a true servant of the divine who can leave their ego behind.”
“I have to confess that most of the time of my life till now I was unresponsive to spiritual topics and the belief in God. Looking back now I can see that it was only because of me given that consciously I shut myself off from supernatural phenomena. My approach was solely rational. Therefore I could understand scientific context straight but at the same time covered the intuitive compass while searching for holistic truth. Fortunately, a few years ago I opened up upon the divine. This I owe especially to some spiritual physicians and my parents who always inspired me positively but never wanted to “impose” something on me. In particular through my father I got also responsive to the life and teachings of Bruno Gröning. I want to emphasize here that I never credulously adopted my approach to Gröning from my father or from any other person but assured myself. In what lies this assurance?
First of all, I am a very sensitive person and always when I see Gröning on pictures, hear him speak or watch him on video material extraordinary high, positive resonance happens in me. This intensity I rarely feel at any other person.
Secondly, I already checked many extracts from Gröning’s lectures in detail and I am impressed by his very conscious choice of words. He had the great gift to talk about supernatural phenomena in a grounded and understandable way so that the content is accessible for everyone.
Thirdly, Gröning had the tremendous ability to transform divine energies so that many people could get responsive for them and could get healed through this highest power. A multitude of contemporary witnesses reports proof this phenomenon.
Fourth, Gröning wasn’t a clap speaker like I witnessed it unfortunately by many so-called “enlightened person”.
Last but not least, Gröning continuously pointed away from him as a person and never wished a personal cult around him. Statements like “I am nothing, the Lord is all” or “It is not me who heals, the divine energy heals through me” indicate a true servant of the divine who can leave their ego behind.”

Main areas of responsibility:
organizational tasks, video realization

Voluntary Helpers
Following we present our helpers who support the “Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning Inc.” on a voluntary basis. If you wish to help us, too, then be welcome to get in touch via E-Mail
Please note that it is not required for you to be named on this webpage. It only happens with the agreement of the respective helper.
We are very grateful for your engagement!

Marion Prahm


Socio-pedagogical Family Assistance
“As a young student one day I felt the intense wish inside of me that my belief in the Lord and Jesus Christ becomes more daily practicable, concrete applicable, stronger alive. Shortly after I got to know an alternative practioner who already were familiar with the teachings of Bruno Gröning.

In 2004 I let myself be introduced into the Teachings of Bruno Gröning. Since then my belief and trust grew, I experienced many daily practicable helps and also healing, personal, in my private circle of friends and family and also at my work.
From year to year I feel more connected to Jesus Christ and I am convinced of the truth of the teachings of Bruno Gröning.
The way in which the people of the ‘Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning’ are active appeals to me very much. Now I am glad to support the association on a voluntary basis – starting Summer 2016 – as contact for data and questions referring to independent communities.”

“As a young student one day I felt the intense wish inside of me that my belief in the Lord and Jesus Christ becomes more daily practicable, concrete applicable, stronger alive. Shortly after I got to know an alternative practioner who already were familiar with the teachings of Bruno Gröning.

In 2004 I let myself be introduced into the Teachings of Bruno Gröning. Since then my belief and trust grew, I experienced many daily practicable helps and also healing, personal, in my private circle of friends and family and also at my work.
From year to year I feel more connected to Jesus Christ and I am convinced of the truth of the teachings of Bruno Gröning.
The way in which the people of the ‘Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning’ are active appeals to me very much. Now I am glad to support the association on a voluntary basis – starting Summer 2016 – as contact for data and questions referring to independent communities.”

Main areas of responsibility:
organizational tasks

Vice Buljan


“In this incarnation, my heavenly father ‘pushed’ me through various areas of earthly life. For example, after the “Technical College for Electrical Engineering” (field of physical forces and energies), I studied agricultural science (field of nature), and then went on to take exams in “Health and Nursing” (field of medicine and psyche – I have been working in psychiatry for 26 years).
However, my main interest for over 40 years has been the area of the mind. You only make progress in higher spheres if you can and want to serve the good. In this respect, one of the best spiritual masters and teachers in the recent history of mankind is undoubtedly Bruno Gröning. What inspired me extraordinarily about Bruno Gröning was that despite his spiritual power and ability, which most people find unimaginable, he had such deep humility and great love for people. His thoughts, his words and his deeds were a sacred unity. Bruno showed us how to be a true Christian. That is why my intention is to help preserve and spread his teaching in its purest form, because only in this way can it retain its power for the further development of humanity.”
“In this incarnation, my heavenly father ‘pushed’ me through various areas of earthly life. For example, after the “Technical College for Electrical Engineering” (field of physical forces and energies), I studied agricultural science (field of nature), and then went on to take exams in “Health and Nursing” (field of medicine and psyche – I have been working in psychiatry for 26 years).
However, my main interest for over 40 years has been the area of the mind. You only make progress in higher spheres if you can and want to serve the good. In this respect, one of the best spiritual masters and teachers in the recent history of mankind is undoubtedly Bruno Gröning. What inspired me extraordinarily about Bruno Gröning was that despite his spiritual power and ability, which most people find unimaginable, he had such deep humility and great love for people. His thoughts, his words and his deeds were a sacred unity. Bruno showed us how to be a true Christian. That is why my intention is to help preserve and spread his teaching in its purest form, because only in this way can it retain its power for the further development of humanity.”

Main areas of responsibility:
Croatian translation

Natalja Stepantchenko


Physician & Internist
(State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia)

Johannes Adloff


Banker, more than 30 years supplier in the cinema industry with computer systems, former cinema owner
“We experienced many ups and downs in our life stories.
The search for the Lord and the meaning of life has always come first. The words of Jesus and the Bible accompanied our whole life. Many sub-steps followed, MBSR, the “Course in Miracles”, and much more. About 10 years ago we came across the teachings of Bruno Gröning, which we have worked out – like everything else – autodidactically, on the basis of the original lectures.
What a revelation, what a blessing!!! Suddenly all the bits of knowledge came together, everything finally made sense. The questions were answered, the search has come to an end.
Today we are exclusively engaged with daily practice, deepening the teachings of Bruno Gröning, through which we were and are allowed to experience so much good, as well as the passing on of this teaching and the good.
We wholeheartedly support the „Circle of Information“, because the members of the association and its board, Julia Domenica and Thomas Busse, have convinced us in every respect, both from a human perspective and from the authenticity of passing on the teachings of Bruno Gröning.”
“We experienced many ups and downs in our life stories.
The search for the Lord and the meaning of life has always come first. The words of Jesus and the Bible accompanied our whole life. Many sub-steps followed, MBSR, the “Course in Miracles”, and much more. About 10 years ago we came across the teachings of Bruno Gröning, which we have worked out – like everything else – autodidactically, on the basis of the original lectures.
What a revelation, what a blessing!!! Suddenly all the bits of knowledge came together, everything finally made sense. The questions were answered, the search has come to an end.
Today we are exclusively engaged with daily practice, deepening the teachings of Bruno Gröning, through which we were and are allowed to experience so much good, as well as the passing on of this teaching and the good.
We wholeheartedly support the „Circle of Information“, because the members of the association and its board, Julia Domenica and Thomas Busse, have convinced us in every respect, both from a human perspective and from the authenticity of passing on the teachings of Bruno Gröning.”

Main areas of responsibility:
Russian translation

David Panadero Molina


Journalist, Translator
“I’ve met the teachings of Bruno Gröning many years ago by the words of my mother, María Molina, who leads a beautiful community in Spain for a long time.
As a young man my stubborn personality took time for accepting and embracing the teachings but I’m so glad right now of practicing them.
The very simple yet direct way of acting that Bruno Gröning wants for us, will provide you with a life of blessings and a warming heart, I experienced it myself for the daily life routine and more specifically from my family around me, witnessing countless times the benefits from spiritual healing.”

“I’ve met the teachings of Bruno Gröning many years ago by the words of my mother, María Molina, who leads a beautiful community in Spain for a long time.
As a young man my stubborn personality took time for accepting and embracing the teachings but I’m so glad right now of practicing them.
The very simple yet direct way of acting that Bruno Gröning wants for us, will provide you with a life of blessings and a warming heart, I experienced it myself for the daily life routine and more specifically from my family around me, witnessing countless times the benefits from spiritual healing.”

Main areas of responsibility:
Spanish translations

We are looking for support in the following areas at the moment:

  • French translation of website content
  • Italian translation of website content & quotes
  • Russian translation of website content
  • Turkish translation of website content & quotes

Please, get in touch via , if you would like to support the “Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning Inc.” on a voluntary basis.