
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Content & Schedule of Community Hours

Grundsätzlich mischt sich der Verein “Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V” nicht in die Arbeit der freien Gemeinschaften ein. Gerne stehen wir aber bei Wunsch mit unserem Hintergrundwissen, wertvollen Tips und Erfahrungswerten für die Gemeinschaften zur Verfügung. Hier haben wir Ihnen ein paar Rahmenbedingungen zu Inhalt und Ablauf zusammengestellt, die auf Bruno Grönings Lehre beruhen.

Content of Community Hours

Bruno Gröning recorded a lot of tapes for the communities, so that the attendees could dedicate themselves to his teachings though he was not present himself.
“I think, dear friends, that now a lot, a lot of things make sense. If it is not enough for you (…), so that you did not incorporate it, ask the person who did give you the record of mine that he gave it to you again to listen to.” (date unknown)
On the 8th December 1957 he said:
“And I also point out, dear friends, that we will always use these tapes for our on-going education.”
His teaching should therefore be the main part of the community hour. But also to make links to other spiritual people and teachers is, like Bruno Gröning mentioned, desirable.

Not only his words but also the experiences of people with his teachings should be part of such a community hour.

“It will often happen in our circle of friends that this one or the other would be asked to talk, what he has in his heart, what moves him, (…).” (3rd Oct 1958)
“This is the purpose of the community, of the “community hour”, he is the teaching when everybody tells (…) how he experienced true in himself or at the person next to him, what he is convinced of. The untruth is not allowed to be carried in here, no spitefulness, no evil spirits. Here we do not talk about disease, here you are even not allowed to attach to the thought (…), you have to talk about the disease now! (…) When you have lost the evil (disease), that you are caught by the healing, then you can say: ‘So it was, and so it is, (…).’” (5th Oct 1958)
Additionally Bruno Gröning often mentioned that no “Ratsch und Tratsch” (like gossip), how he called it, should become the topic of conversation.
“How mankind waste his time by talking about his neighbors, relatives, friends, how this one and that one lives. ‘Dear friend’, I say, ‘ask yourself how you live, take care of yourself and your life first.’(…) Don’t talk careless! (…) In short terms, friends, away with the chit, away with the chat! (…) The hiding, the ‘talking behind one’s back’, that is the mean thing, that comes back to you. Free yourself from that!” (5th Oct 1958)

Reports of healing can help in particular that the belief in the almightiness of God becomes strong again. This was a high value to Bruno Gröning. He himself reported healing of a lot of people or let healed people speak in the community hour. Sometimes reports of healing were read to the group.

Not only the teachings but also the absorption of the divine healing power is an additional important aspect of the community hour. The more people open themselves for this divine power, the more it can fill up the room.

Praying for other people should be another topic of the community hour.

“For sick people at home it happens in the distance.” (17th Oct 1949)
“I know, (…), that the one or the other aksed for help for his relatives, for his befriended or related sick person so that also he will get the help. He has to stay in bed, he cannot walk, he can not be driven, he gasps for breath, he cries for God, he pleads for his life, he pleads for help. This person shall receive the help as well.” (Sept 1949)

The pleas of the individual people have their place in silence during the music at the end of the meeting. Bruno Gröning never recommended or practiced praying aloud.

Of course, you can ask Bruno Gröning for help just like one speaks to other spiritual entities (e.g. angels) in a prayer.
“I want to stand by the people’s side with advice and action and show them the good way. And so you just need (…) to call for me and I am there immediately – please, don’t get the impression I am there in person but in spirit. If you eventually have pain, so call me and it happens what shall!” (23rd Sept 1950)

Schedule of the Community Hours

In the beginning we would like to mention that whoever wants to visit a community hour should get at least a short introduction into the teaching of Bruno Gröning to prevent misunderstandings. The visitor should also get to know about what he has to respect during such a gathering so that it can proceed without disruption.

You are welcome to download our „Short Introduction into Bruno Grönings Teachings“ here:
Short Introduction as pdf

On the basis of our knowledge Bruno Gröning did not give instructions in which intervals the community hours should be held. Often a 3-weeks rhythm is chosen. But also every week or once a month community hours take place.

The word “community hour” is somehow confusing because seldom it’s only one hour. There are times that these gatherings are up to four hours long. In our opinion it makes sense to offer the possibility for such a meeting at least every four weeks. Especially for healing seekers who are in urgent need of help the distance between gatherings should not be too long. The decision about the length of these community gatherings is up to the intuition of the community leader. We think that it is important that one observes very closely if the capacity of the individual to absorb what’s given is still there.

Bruno Gröning wanted to avoid much too big communities. Referring to that on a tape one can find the following proof:

“Therefore I say everywhere: the circle or the community should be held small, not too big.” (date unknown)

Furthermore, he tells on this tape that there was a community in Munich with way over 600 people.

A woman said thereupon: “This goes too public, right?!”
Bruno Gröning answered:

“Yes, that is what I do not want!” (date unknown)

The concept of such a community lies in the hand of the respective leader. Recommended is to play some music after the reception. The attendees then have the opportunity to let go of daily life and of negative thoughts (thoughts of disease, worries etc.). Bruno Gröning emphasized again and again how important this is. He himself placed music before his lectures on some of his tapes. It was classic music as a basic principle. Relaxation and meditation music also offers nowadays an interesting alternative.
Following, eventually after an introduction by the community leader, if possible, we recommend playing the true voice of Bruno Gröning from CD. After approximately 20-30 minutes the community leader could refer to what Bruno Gröning said, to include own experiences or to go deeper into some important thoughts. Should there be no CDs available one could read excerpts from written lectures of Bruno Gröning. Attendees or communities can also pass on their experiences with his teachings or beliefs, just like that did Bruno Gröning. Some music at the end could offer a nice opportunity to pray for others in silence. There is no proof that Bruno Gröning preferred praying aloud. Quite the opposite!

Additionally, Bruno Gröning advised not to leave the room immediately after the community hour:

“I ask you (…) not immediately to leave your place but rather listen deep inside yourself, and so one by one leaves the room.” (31st Aug 1950)
“I ask you not to rush down the steps all at once, stay for a little while at your place (…). Take with you, take with you how much you can because especially now at the end it is often so that you (…), if you understood it correctly, then you can receive and indeed become healthy again.” (1st Sept 1950)
“Don’t talk, be quiet.” (5th Sept 1950)
“ I ask you to spend some more minutes here. (…) Listen a few minutes into yourself.“ (23rd Sept 1950)
Our recommendation is that one asks the attendees to leave the room quietly like one wishes to after the final music, so that the others who wish to enjoy the silence a few minutes longer would not be disturbed.

Quotes by Bruno Gröning on this website:

If three dots in a bracket appear in a quote of Bruno Gröning, some words or sentences were left out for easier understanding because either there was a repetition or it did not relate directly to the topic. Should there appear some words in a bracket, they were added afterwards for better readability. Who has the original CDs of Bruno Gröning’s talks is able to check and determine that none of the mentioned methods changed the content in its meaning.