
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Inspiring Quotes by Contemporary Witnesses

You can find here a small selection of inspiring and motivation quotes by contemporary witnesses who experienced Bruno Gröning live and even some of them where in a close, friendly connection with him.
Please, choose a button for the information of your interest. You can open the text with the plus-icon and close it again with the minus-icon. The order is alphabetical.
Some of the reports are still in translation process.

Bollack, Anneliese / Source „Private Archive“

Bruno Gröning explained the following in my presence:

“Every bad thought that a person absorbs, did not regret and disclaims, he has to put into action somewhere along the way. Therefore it is of the highest importance, my dear friends, that you control and master your thoughts.

I always talked about absorbing thoughts. You might wonder why I use this expression; but it is like that indeed. The thoughts that are whirring inside your head every second, they are not yours, dear friends; you just tune into them like a radio tunes into the broadcast.

You can decide for yourself if you want to tune into the good or bad thoughts, the good or bad broadcasts. Because what you want you will absorb and so are your thoughts. Therfore I say all the time: Man acts according his own will – like the will so is the thought – the thought motivates action!

And I repeat myself, dear friends: Every thought which you absorb and which you do not disclaim through true remorse, one day you will have to realize this one, if you want it or not.

If, for example someone of you hate somebody and thinks again and again: “I kill him!” And one day he is confronted with his enemy alone – doesn’t matter when, it can be after 10 years or 20 years – then the moment of realization is there. His thoughts become action and he ends his enemy’s life cold-blooded. But after he becomes conscious again and says horror-striken:Yes, I do not know how this could happen?I did not want that, it just came over me suddenly and so I did it.”

But this avowal does not help him anymore in front of the judge and no one believes him that now he is truthful and horrified about his action and still it was like that, dear friends, in this moment he did not want to kill his enemy. But the thoughts he had absorbed again and again in the past forced him to do so.

Therefore: Want only the good and always absorb it!”

Gröning, Josette / Source: „Private Archive“

As the wife of my deceased husband, I accompanied him on all of his travels and therefore at his talks on faith (apart from very few exceptions), I was present at countless healing processes, but I was also a witness to all the struggles and processes that took place around Bruno Gröning.

I also experienced many conversations with reporters who came to see him. I can confirm that there were very few reporters who bothered to get to know my husband as a real person. Most only thought of making money with sensational press articles. Therefore, it seemed to them that it did not matter whether they wrote truths or not, on the contrary, the more they lied and invented dark stories or allegations of a dubious nature, the more interesting the “miracle doctor” became, the more rapid the sales in newspapers ultimately became. It was the newspapers (alongside the so-called “managers”) who earned money from Bruno Gröning, while he was branded a “businessman”.

The majority of the people are so gullible. Who among German readers starving for superficial stimuli would ever check what they were presented with in big, bold headlines?! “What the newspaper writes must be true, right?” The opponents of Bruno Gröning were okay with everything that appeared about him in a depressing way. Who knows whether some donors commissioned by a very specific party were behind it? How weak man is when he is beckoned with large sums of money! (…)

And Bruno Groening himself? How did he feel about these attacks, about these “headlines” that literally meant “blows” in terms of his work and his character!? To close friends who were upset by the outright meanness of stone-cold, unscrupulous journalists, he would say, “Keep calm!” and “They don’t know what they’re doing!” My husband finally didn’t want to see the disgusting and hateful reports anymore. “I’m not walking in the dirt,” he repeated over and over again. He’d never been angry about it either. A lot of friends, besides me, can attest to that. He stood above the situation, he remained calm even during court hearings.

How small these people seemed to him, who became the playthings of those dark forces of which they accused him! He had always been aware that his path was not easy and would not get any easier. Wasn’t Master Jesus once accused of being in league with Satan? Wasn’t Jesus oppressed too? Didn’t Jesus also have to flee and in the end wasn’t he nailed to the cross? Should things be better for him, who never compared himself to the Master Jesus, but through whose nature the power flowed from that source from which Master Jesus received it. (…)

Apart from his inner attitude, it would not have been possible for my husband, who day and night only thought of the suffering and sick and acted accordingly (in contrast to many sham Christians who got stuck in “lip Christianity”) to take care of so many newspaper reports and articles, to veto and issue injunctions everywhere. He would have needed a lawyer, actually several lawyers! But where should he get the money from? Or he would have had to constantly rush from editorial office to editorial office, from one process to another. But where would the care of the sick and saddened, desperate and medically abandoned people then have gone?

Hosp, Alfred / Source: Book „Powers of the Spirit“

Some time later (…) the topic “Spiritual rendition” became the object. Referring to that some attendees talk about what they had experienced and that there are people who say of them selves that they are clear sighted. They could see angels, yes, even look into heaven.

The question was directed to Gröning if this all is right. He answered serious and certain:

“Many people are educated, but most of them are talented in phantasy. They think they see or hear something. Mostly the source for this is only wish, vision or craving for recognition. In the spiritual areas there are a lot of delusion, even more because most psychics do not know who really hides behind this ‘high spiritual essence’. However mostly they are very low, yes, evil spirits who use the body of weak minded and credent people to create confusion.

The danger in addition is that out of first seemingly harmless craziness it can become heavy casts that can lead to addiction, madness and finally suicide of these people because they are no longer the master of their thoughts and feelings. I warn you, dear friends, the evil is lurking all over and always – to lead the curious ones and those who always want to know more astray from the good, the divine path. They are seduced and tempted by amazing renditions and promises as the truthful and natural were hold back from them.”

Hosp, Alfred / Source: Book „Powers of the Spirit“

At this point it must be noted that at that time numerous spiritually interested people came to Gröning who were already spiritually predisposed in some way. Among them where mediums of writing who believed whatever their uncontrolled hands scribbled on paper. Others, on the other hand, relied on spontaneous intuition without critically considering the content of the messages. To make matters worse, especially in the years after the Second World War, the wildest versions of an imminent apocalypse were circulating. So it was a frighteningly cloudy, mystical broth into which many fearful people immersed themselves and could no longer be happy with their lives. Bruno Gröning worked in this mixture of physical torments, mental suffering and spiritual ignorance and brought light into the jungle of human mistakes and arrogant claims with striking, crystal-clear words.

Among other things, he said to his friends:

“Let go of all the bad, despair, sadness and hopelessness! The earth is divine in nature and therefore has divine protection. Evil cannot and will not be able to destroy them. You should not be troubled by what is prophesied of other people. Only you and your own life, in this body given to you by God, is important to you. You must find your own path of great return, recognize and fulfill the predetermined life purpose. (…) When it comes to doing the right thing, you are on your own. It depends on you, on your will, if you want to attain salvation, healing. It’s no use knowing about many unimportant things and forgetting about your body. Enjoy life and accept every new day with gratitude.”

Kunst, Hermann (Dr. and Protestant Bishop) / Source: „Privat Archive“

The fact is that people I know have gotten rid of their old diseases since their visit to Mr. Gröning and have a new attitude towards life. (…)

“Miracle workers” have often performed in Ravensburger Land. I’ve asked several the cardinal question: “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?”
All of these respondents were embarrassed and could not answer. From this it can be concluded that they were somehow connected with forces of evil.

I also asked Mr. Gröning this question. He gave me the clear answer: “Yes, I believe that Christ is the Son of God.” I was very impressed.

Also, according to the New Testament, an essential aspect of God’s special gifts is that they are placed in the service ofthe community. I have no reason to doubt that this is the case with Mr. Gröning.

Pelz, Erich / Source: Buch „Privat Archive “

Character reference: I first came into contact with you (Bruno Gröning) in 1949 at the Traberhof near Rosenheim (…). Since I have been dealing with Indian, Chinese and Tibetan wisdom for about 40 years, it became clear to me after the events in Herford that they were put in the glaring light of the public and became known that you (…) are one of them known in the East, but unknown in the West and exceedingly rare, great discerning spirits in human form, whose powers are given by the Creator of all things, which simply cannot be clarified by the means of today’s so-called exact science.

However, these divine powers are still there and cannot be explained away. That is why such people have been persecuted and stoned here for thousands of years. It was clear to me that you too (…) would have to follow the same path. Unfortunately, developments have proved me right so far.

Schmidt, Egon Arthur / Source: Book „The Miracle Healings by Bruno Gröning“

I would (…) like to emphasize one thing in particular, that is the constant freshness and perseverance of Gröning as long as he is busy with people seeking healing. There is no sign of any particular excitement during the “healing talk”. It all takes place like a light conversation, there is nothing to be noticed of processes that amount to a “hypnotic technique”, as it is often claimed.

His calm composure is exactly the same at ten o’clock in the morning as it is at midnight, whether he has taken on a hundred or two hundred people in uninterrupted succession during the day. There is no sign of fatigue, restlessness or loss of strength. I have seen him at work for many weeks in this unchanging condition, often enough with almost no sleep or food.

Schmidt, Egon Arthur / Source: Book „The Miracle Healings by Bruno Gröning“

On the occasion of a personal “treatment”, Gröning finally asked a woman whether she had any other wishes or worries. “Yes,” she said, “if you could help me prevent my husband from going to other women, as often happens.”
His face transformed, as if reading the woman’s soul. Finally he answered with the counter question: “May I tell you where you were the night before last and what you did there?” There were witnesses here too. She looked around in embarrassment, blushed, became restless and pleaded not to use it. Gröning responded gently: “What you expect from your husband, do that yourself.”

Another very important talent of Gröning is indicated here, namely that of the econd sight. It is very strong in him.

Schmidt, Egon Arthur / Source: Book „The Miracle Healings by Bruno Gröning“

When, as has happened repeatedly, a wealthy petitioner approaches him with a plea for help; he would be willing to give him 5,000 marks and more for it; at this moment Gröning “snaps”, clearly perceptible and visible, not only for those around him, but even for those standing outside.
The contact is gone and he says with a dismissive gesture: “I don’t sell health! “
He turns away and we helpers then have the unpleasant task of showing them the door.

In one case I experienced something else: Gröning sat down opposite the person concerned and said something like the following: “I know that you are a rich man. But I also know that you didn’t make your fortune in a good way. You have exploited your workers and employees and amassed money and wealth. You have done no good deeds, and your wealth is not well earned.” The one so addressed became restless and fidgeted in his chair excitedly. He blushed, whether it was shame or anger, didn’t show himself and left the room in silence.

Trampler, Kurt (Dr.) / Source: Book „Die große Umkehr“

His restrained modesty and the renunciation of all propagandistic tests of his ability were beneficial. There was no mystical secrecy about him. (…) With a heart-warming kindness, he took care of every single sick person, especially all the children who were brought to him. He was evidently filled with his mission and followed it unwaveringly.

He turned to one of those present: “There are people who feel that they should be ashamed if they believe in the Lord. Do believe in the Lord! Feel free to commit to it – that’s the first thing. We say so often during the day – Thank God! – do we think of something, do we think of the meaning?”

Trampler, Kurt (Dr.) / Source: Book „Die große Umkehr“

In the course of a (…) talk about good and evil I mentioned once the question of free will. With a very special, precise resoluteness Gröning refused the interference of the human free will.

“I am allowed to help a person to find the way to the good but I am not allowed to take the decision off nor to force him to the good. Everyone has to find its way on its own.”

Especially out of this reason, not to touch the human freedom of decision, he refused suggestion and hypnosis as something evil.

von Eschenbach, Anny Freiin Ebner / Source „Private Archive“

Once a young woman with careworn face and a roughly nine years old girl sat in the second row. When Gröning asked her „Well, mummy, what do you feel?“ she answered “Unfortunately nothing, Mr Gröning”. “Yes, mummy, do not look back into the past all the time. The shock about that still sticks in you; you have to let go of that first. It was during a bomb attack; you were in a kind of glasshouse and you got buried and you were in the 8th month (pregnant). When you were rescued the child was born and was blind, right?!” Surprised the woman answered: “Yes, indeed.” Bruno Gröning answered: „Now do not think about this shocking time anymore, believe strongly in God’s help and ask him. The child you do not need to bring with you all the time, if the mummy just believes strong enough!“

Eight days later the mummy was there again. The worried expression in her face was gone; literally she was younger. When Gröning asked her she answered: “Yes, now a warmth rickles through me and I feel bright and free.” „Now, mummy, stay with this. Soon it will be!“

One week later the woman was there again and Bruno Gröning walked over to her in the middle of a lecture, stood in front of her silently and said: “Mummy, on Thursday at 5.20 pm you take your child and lead it into a darkened room. It will see again and because it has never seen colour or form before it would get frightened and the fright could make it ill. Let it adapt to everything in its environment slowly.”

Because this case interested me in particular I inquired and got to know some time later that everything happened on the minute like Bruno Gröining had said it. After some years I asked Bruno Gröning again about the child and got to know that it can see as normal as if it has never been blind before.

von Eschenbach, Anny Freiin Ebner / Source „Private Archive“

„Today the police is her!” , once Gröning said suddenly during a lecture. Everybody look around in the room but no policemen were to be seen. Also Dr Trampler said that he would know about that.

Gröning walked over to a man who sat in the backmost row and only said: „Well?“ This one stood up and said: “Yes, I am a policeman but I am not here in a official position; therefore without uniform but for my child.”

“Yes”, Gröning said, “that is true and your small one will run to you healthy again. Remember the time, it is 9.15 pm When you now would like to arrest me because of that I tell you: No tie or hand cuff is strong enough that I could not burst; no prison wall is thick enough that I could not go through. Even when I was torn into 1000 pieces and buried deep down in the earth – the healing will go on!”

“No, Mr Gröning, never I would let myself install for that – I would give up my duty immediately. I have seen so many wonderful things during my round at the Traberhof that I always tell my comrades how wrong they do you to be after you and to bring you to trial!”

Gröning answered: “The greatest friend of mankind was tracked down, too, and even put at the cross. The satanic power has become big again and I have nothing else to do but to fight against it and everything else happens on its own. The people name it miracle because he went away from it. I want to lead them back because we should not forget that we are all children of God. God will help us when we have find the way back to him!”


Quotes by contemporary witnesses on this website:

If three dots in a bracket appear in a quote, some words or sentences were left out for easier understanding because either there was a repetition or it did not relate directly to the topic. Should there appear some words in a bracket, they were added afterwards for better readability.