
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Events 2022

You can find here an overview of the events in 2022.

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The events are sorted chronically, starting from newest to oldest date

Conference in Turkey

November 2022

Thomas B. and his wife Julia again took part in a conference in Turkey via Zoom and each gave a talk. The cooperation with Mrs. Ferhan G. (the organizer of the free communities in Turkey) – who speaks German and translates everything – is groundbreaking. In the future it could be possible in many countries (where there are meetings of free communities) to meet and exchange ideas in this way.

Conference for South Germany (DE)

August 2022

Due to the “Corona crisis” there was no conference of the association “Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning”possible for two and a half years. The conference in Manching for southern Germany was the first event that could be held again without restrictions. Great joy for everyone involved!
Thomas B. (Chairman) welcomed the friends from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy. As so often, he emphasized in one of his lectures that working on oneself is the most important work in life.
The vice chairwoman Julia Domenica B. spoke urgently about how important it is to find inner peace so that outer peace can develop in the first place.

Rudolf C. gave a lecture about personally experienced divine guidance.

Wilfried V. (member of the association) talked about his life experiences on the spiritual path. He impressed the friends with his down-to-earth nature.
Judith F. came from Switzerland with her husband. The return to the Lord was the theme of her talk. She touched people’s hearts with her calm demeanor.

Conference in Turkey

May 2022

Thomas B. took part in a conference in Turkey via zoom for the third time and gave a lecture on Bruno Gröning’s teachings.

During the conference, a video lecture by Thomas B. “Don’t put the helper above the Lord” was also shown (which he recorded for all Gröning friends). The Turkish friends translated it with subtitles.

This time his wife Julia B. also gave a lecture for the Turkish friends. The cooperation with Mrs. Ferhan G. (the organizer of the independent communities in Turkey) turns out to be very blessed. It is nice to see how active the Turkish friends are.

Conference of the indepedent Community in Haßfurt (DE)

May 2022

Thomas B. gave a talk about his new documentary “Bruno Gröning – A Call for true Christianity”. The film was then shown on a large screen using a beamer. Those present were deeply touched by the film and its extensive content. A woman told Thomas B.: “I have been engaged with Bruno Gröning and his teachings for a very long time. But I’ve never felt so much power!”

Christine R. – the leader of the community in Haßfurt and host of the conference – together with Julia B. (Vice Chairwoman), who also hold a touching talk during the conference. The topic was the blessings of nature!
A friendly encounter full of tolercance with Gerhard Sauli (Chairman of the Austrian association “Verein zur Förderung seelisch-geistiger und natürlicher Lebensgrundlagen e.V.“) and Thomas B. (Chairman of the „Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.“).
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