
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Events 2021

You can find here an overview of the events in 2021.

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The events are sorted chronically, starting from newest to oldest date

Christmas Greetings by Julia B. (Vice Chairwoman) and Thomas B. (Chairman)

December 2021

Dear friends,
from our hearts we wish you all a blessed festive time in the spirit of the true Christmas!
Bruno Gröning named the Christmas fest the greatest fest in the whole year and always celebrated it with dignity and wholeheartedness.
May we, too, receive the good in the light of Christ’s love to overcome the evil with strong belief and trust. May we shine like stars in the darkness! The good – the love and truth – will always win. It’s just a question of time!
Kind greetings from my wife Julia, too, as well as Marion and Wilfried Venedey and my son Benjamin (all members of the association)!
In this sense, in the connection of love, I wish you the Lord’s blessing,

Yours, Thomas Busse
Due to the Covid-19-restrictions it was not possible to realize German conferences in 2021.

Conference in Turkey

November 2021

For the second time, Thomas B. joined the Turkish friends via Zoom during their conference in Turkey and gave a talk. On the screen you can see Ferhan G. (organizer for the free communties in Turkey, which speaks German well and translated the talk) and Thomas B. during the conference.
Thomas B.: „It makes me very happy that the technical possibilites of today makes it possible to easily bridge such wide distances and you really have the feeling to be there. Love knows no boundaries anyway! And being allwoed to help is the best! I wished for it already as a young person and now it is on a possible worldwide level. Thank the Lord!“
Ferhan G. led the conference in Turkey with much heart. There are already 10 free communities. The event was well attended and many friends came together for joint taking in of energy and inspiring thought exchange.

Conference in Turkey

May 2021

For the first time Thomas B. attended a conference in a foreign country via Zoom. There are 10 independent communities active in Turkey right now which came together for a conference. Ferhan G. takes care of the independent communities, she also translated the talk of Thomas B. On the screen you can see Ferhan G. and Thomas B. during the conference.
A group picture of some of the Turkish friends during the conference. Many young friends attended which is very nice.
The conference took place at the sea therefore the friends enjoyed the sunset in silence to take in energy together.[
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