
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Events 2020

You can find here an overview of the events in 2020.

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The events are sorted chronically, starting from newest to oldest date

Due to the Covid-19-restrictions it was not possible to organize more conferences in 2020.
 Therefore the association offered an online conference instead.

Conference for North Germany, Reinbek

February 2020

For the first time, the conference for North Germany took place near Hamburg. „Being rich means to be healthy!“ – a quote from Bruno Gröning – was the topic of lecture by Thomas B. (chairman). he explained what Bruno Gröning recommend during his life on earth to keep the body in a good health as much as possible.
Claudia and Frank B. did engage themselves in a special manner to make the conference for the North of Germany happen. In their lecture, amongst other things, they talked about spiritual moments in daily life and the topic of „going home“ (death).
Wilfried V., member of the association, talked about the power of thought and made it clear how important it is to choose between positive and negative thoughts and to put positive thinking into action in daily life.
Meeting friends (from left): Frank and Claudia B., they lead two, free communities in North Germany (Kiel and Ulsnis), Kerstin R., she leads three, free communities (Coburg,Suhl/Zella Mehlis and Waldau), Marion P., who kindly helps the association e.g. by answering the many e-mails, as well as Julia and Thomas B., vice chairwoman and chairman.

Beamer-Photo-Talk, Netherlands

January 2020

It was a kind encounter during the first „Beamer-Photo-Lecture“ about Bruno Gröning in the Netherlands by Thomas B., acompanied by his wife Julia B. on the right and left of the photo you can see Käthe P. and Marianne W. , the two leaders of the free communities in Middelburg and Goes.
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