
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Events 2017

You can find here an overview of the events in 2017.

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Conference for East Germany, Berlin

November 2017

Thomas B. is pleased that almost double the people came to the second conference in Berlin for East Germany than last year. After eeleven years of intense work to build up the free Gröning movement’s popularity increases more and more.
Three of the independent community leaders in the East of Germany: Rainer L. for Berlin-Petershagen, Kerstin R. for Coburg, Suhl und Zella-Mehlis, Hannelore S. for Berlin-Ahrensfelde.
With her refreshing attitude Meike E. talks about her turning away from the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and her doubts in the beginning if a free Gröning movement will work. Now she has assured herself and is happy about this change. Her distinct appeal: never be a people-listener!
Benjamin B., the son of the chairman Thomas B., explains, from a physicians point of view, how important it is to assure yourself of everything for yourself and never copy the opinions of other people unreflected. On the example of the big bang theory he shows this impressively.
Magnetized the participants are listening to Benjamin B.. His profound lecture, as such a young person, wows the people. Some friends came from far away. for example, Anna S. and her boyfriend Christoph B. drove 750 km on Saturday morning from Salzburg (AU) to Berlin (DE) and on Sunday 750 km back again. What a dedication and interest in the conference if one takes such a way on oneself!
During every conference there is a statue of Christ symbolically in the middle on a table, on the left a photo of Bruno Gröning, on the right a quote of him about Christ: „Wasn’t Christ the greatest example for mankind? (…) A genuinely true Christian can only be who follows Christ like Christ expects it from us, like His Teachings tells us to do.“

Julia D., the fiancé of Thomas B., and he himself are grateful to be allowed to engage themselves for the Christ consciousness in combination with the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Gröning once said: „It is totally irrevelvant to me how man finds God, main point is that he finds his way to God!“
In these words a great tolerance for other religions lies but he committed himself clearly and distinctly to Christ and his Teachings.

Conference for South Germany, Manching

September 2017

Thomas B. reports amongst other things about his new documentary „Bruno Gröning – Aufruf zum wahren Christentum“ („Bruno Gröning – A Call for the True Christianity“). He wants to let the people be a part of this project and therefore decided to hand on news about the film during the conferences and, above all, to tell about the reports of the contemporary witnesses.
A photo with great symbolism! A statue of Jesus in the centre, on the left a portrait of Bruno Gröning, on the right his insist call: „Wasn’t Christ the greatest rolemodel for mankind? (…) An actual true Christian can only be who follows Christ like Christ expects it from us, like His Teachings tells us all about it.“
Elli M., the former vice chairwoman, talks about her healing of a stomach suffering that totured her for 33 years. During a conference in Bremen, North Germany, she got a full healing. The nice hall in Manching as almost full of people.
Thomas E., former secretary of the association, during one of his drawn from life lectures. He knows to communicate his findings down-to-earth, sometimes even humorously.
Rainer L. touches the friends with his emotional speech. He also is a member of the association and leads an independent community in Bremen (DE).
Thomas B. with Uli G. from Vienna (AU) who helps him to find contemporary witnesses for the new documantary. Both of them knew quite a lot about the Teachings and life of Bruno Gröning and enjoy exchanging this knowledge with each other.

Conference for West Germany, Hanau

May 2017

Thomas B., chairman of the Circle of Information, explains to the attendees of the conference in Hanau how important it is not only to take in the energy of God but also to work internally on a positive world of thoughts and emotions, so that the energy of God gets enough space to fill up the heart.
Sabine B., the former leader of the independent community in Hanau, also hold a lecture for the friends with the main topics of true work for peace and forgiveness.
Elli M., the former vice chairwoman of the Circle of Information, reported, amongst other things, about a healing she got at a conference in Bremen (DE) of a decades long, strong stomach suffering.
Thomas B. with Kerstin R., who leads three independent communities in East Germany and reported during the conferenceof some of her great healings she got in the past.
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