
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Events 2008-2015

You can find here an overview of the events in 2008 – 2015.

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The events are sorted chronically, starting from newest to oldest date


Thomas B. during a lecture of the informational event for West Germany in Hanau (DE). Consistently he points out how important it is not to listen to people but to go the spiritual path in all freedom and independence.


Spanish friends visit the informational event for Middle Germany in Zierenberg (DE). For Thomas B., the chairman of the „Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning“ a very special encounter. Maria M. (on the right next to Thomas Busse) leads several communities in Spain!


Gustl P. and Gerhard S. of the „Verein zur Förderung seelisch-geistiger und natürlicher Lebensgrundlagen e.V.“ from Austria (the association which Bruno Gröning led be found during his lifetime but wished to end some time later) visited the informational event for Southern Germany in Denkendorf. The responsible people of the different association meet each other with great heartiness and tolerance!


An informational event takes place in Wiesbaden (DE). Together one takes in the power of God and exchanges insides and experiences.
The chairman Thomas B. welcomes the attendees and leads through the program.
The hall in Wiesbaden is pretty full, the interest is high.
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