
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

Sudden Hearing Loss / Tinnitus

Author: T. B.
In the late Summer of 2014 I felt an odd pressure on both ears. I heard somtimes more muffled, sometimes less, as if I had cotto woll in my ears. In addition there was a repeating slight feeling of dizziness. Already weeks before I wondered that, depending on environmental noise, I seemed to have something like a high cheep in my ear. Because I thought that this state was caused by a cold I did not visit the doctor at first. However after some time the “cheeping” in my ears became louder and more disturbing as if crickets were chirring inside of my head. Als the pressure and the muffled feeling increased. During a business trip I went to a medical specialist for general medicine, sports medicine, chiropractic medicine and homeopathy. He found that I would have a tinnitus. He told me that one would know the origin for it explicitly and that one would not have good chances of success during a treatment. This affected me and made me very thoughtful. To my opinion the cause was easy to explain. In late Summer 2013 I did shoot a new movie and sometimes did work for 10 people at thte same time because I only had a very tight budget. Although I had meditated every day I hardly could recover the enormous loss of power. Amongst other things I lost around 10 kilogramme of weight, often had headaches what I do not know of me normally and felt increasingly de-energized. After the shooting after all I had to catch up financially again what I had to bear with in the preparation time before the shooting, during the shooting and after it. This “stress” did get to me. I was aware of the danger that eventually I could have a break down . This I saw as a clear reason for the sudden hearing loss and tinnitus. In my home town I visited an ear, nose and throat doctor. Also she found that I had a tinnitus and also did tell me that the reason is unknown and one would have no good chances in success of treatments. She prescribed me cortisone though she emphasized at the same time that one do not know if it helps. Otherwise I should live with the tinnitus and listen to loud music. Again I was shocked by the way the doctor did deal with me and my situation! I found it even macabre! As a musician this ear sound was especially disturbing and bad for me. Often during this time I had tears in my eyes. During this difficult situation I visited a further ear, nose and throat doctor who prescribed “Vitamin B duo” but this did not change much either. In October 2014 I plead to God for an answer what I should do. Very clearly the thought came, like some time before (unfortunately I ignored it), that I had to take in more energy! Indeed I did tune myself into the divine power already since many years on a regular basis, every day for 15 till 20 minutes. Since this point in time I decided to take in power every day for 30 till 60 minutes. Sometiems even more. Then it happened: the pressure got very strong, almost unbearable during the tuning into the divine power. This I interpreted as regulation pain like Bruno Gröning explained. I did believe strongly that this was a clarification process which simply had to happen. One also knows the state of initial worsening from homeopathy. With time however the pressure decreased and the “cheeping” in the ears got lower. It took months till the improvement got obvious. Today, almost two years later, the distrubing sound in the ears is minimized to a maximum of 1%. Most of the time I do not hear it anymore unless I push too hard for my volume of work . It is like an alarm signal to take things easier and to take in even more energy. By now, according to statistics one out of ten Germans suffers of a tinnitus and many do not get rid of this disturbing sound forever. All the more I am grateful that through the divine power and belief that God is the greatest doctor like Bruno Gröning did teach it, I got healed! Because my health never was threatened like this before now I know more than ever that the order in the body is a very special gift. The saying of Bruno Gröning “To be rich means to be healthy!” is the truth!
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