
Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.

Circle of Information: Life and Teaching of Bruno Gröning

CDs with Talks by Bruno Gröning

Bruno Gröning did record some of his talks on audio tape. These now digitalized talks are, amongst other options, available on CD and enable interested people to dive authentical and deeply into the content of his teaching.

The Bruno Gröning Foundation facilitates the preservation of the life work of Bruno Gröning and the systematical formating, archiving and scientifically documentation of time-historical sources as well as the public access to the mentioned.
The focus is on publishing the audio tape recordings of the lectures of Bruno Gröning on CD.

In addition:
» Transcriptions of his talks and lectures
» Documents of and about Bruno Gröning – Own texts, articles of contemporary witnesses as well as success reports of healed people
» Publications about Bruno Gröning in brochures, newspapers and magazines from the time of his activities

The foundation is independent and is not conneted in any way to a grouping refering to Bruno Gröning.