Dear friends,

I am pleased to inform you that another talk of mine has been published on our YouTube channel (meanwhile the fifth lecture). The topic is: “Brief Information about the Association and Bruno Gröning.”

It is, so to speak, a welcome video for those interested in Bruno Gröning and his teaching.

If you want, you can, of course, point out this video to interested people.


Lots of love and good wishes,
Thomas Busse

By clicking on the button and the pictures you will be forwarded to the corresponding YouTube video
and thereby you accept the privacy policy of YouTube.

Your Donation Helps

The production of downloads is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore we are grateful for every donation so that we can go on publishing more uncensored talks by Bruno Gröning in the future, too.
Find the information about the donation account fo the association down below or use the button to donate via PayPal, once or recurring, as you wish. We thank you from our hearts!

Account details for donations:

Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.
Volksbank Mönchengladbach eG
BLZ: 390 619 81
Account-No.: 301 151 3017
IBAN: DE96 3906 1981 3011 5130 17

Account details for donations:

Informationskreis: Leben und Lehre Bruno Grönings e.V.
Volksbank Mönchengladbach eG
BLZ: 390 619 81
Account-No.: 301 151 3017
IBAN: DE96 3906 1981 3011 5130 17

Please note:

At the moment the donations for the “Circle of Information: Life and Teachings of Bruno Gröning Inc.” are not allowed against tax.